Petersham Nursery

A Hothouse of an Idea

Of all the memorable dining experiences I've had in recent years, one that stands out is a long, late lunch at Petersham Nursery in Greenwich, England. A long and congested ride outside of London, at first the journey seemed unpromising but then we arrived at a truly singular dining environment in the long greenhouse of an active and sought out garden nursery. Plants filled the space; the furniture was mismatched shabby chic industrial; retail offerings were interwoven with the restaurant space. The ground was basically that of a greenhouse environment, as were the slightly humid smells, but somehow it was all the perfect environment for a true farm-to-fork experience. Our vegetables might literally have come out of the hothouse next door--and probably did.

When we find the ideal country house hotel candidate that might be lacking in a properly scaled restaurant space, I'd love to try this in North America and create our own version of a hothouse restaurant.